• Bible Study

    The Sure-footed Believer

    I recently watched a video of ibexes scaling the vertical wall of a dam to obtain salt and other minerals that are missing from their plant-based diet for proper bone, nerve, and muscle function. Once they make it to the top, they lick the salt…

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  • Still Small Voice

    Keep Following Me

    Come, take my hand and let me lead you to a place of peace, of love, of joy. You are welcome and can stay for an eternity. You are expected; a place of rest is being prepared for you near your Father’s heart. You will…

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  • Still Small Voice

    Filled to Overflow

    Come back to me, children of my heart. You have been driven away from my presence. Come back to your maker. I am the life you seek. I am the joy that will fill every void you fill with things that will not last. Come…

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  • Still Small Voice

    The Victor’s Crown

    Listen to my voice as it thunders over all your enemies, worries, and fears. I will deliver you from all oppressors of your soul. I am your maker and your God. I am for you. You will not drown in your worries. I will save…

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  • Still Small Voice

    Believe My Word

    Believe all things that I say. Don’t be like Adam and Eve, who didn’t believe and obey. I have the word of truth for a prosperous life here and beyond. Don’t be swayed by words without power. My words are backed by my power. They…

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  • Still Small Voice

    The Everlasting Way

    Take my hand and come with me up the narrow way. I have so much to show you. Come, refresh your soul. Let’s walk the street paved with love. This way will always lead you to me. Come near and never depart. All other roads…

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  • VLOG

    All of it Matters

    I'm sitting here thinking about people who go through hard times and what helps, especially when you're feeling isolated, when you're feeling alone and like you don't have anyone to talk to. What helps? What helps is someone reaching out in some way to give…

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  • Still Small Voice

    The Safe Place

    Your heart is safe with me. Come near with all your cares, and I will give you hope in place of each one. My promises will carry you through each hard day, each sad day, each painful day. My love will see you through. Remember…

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  • Devotional

    What Mountains Tell

    Two weeks ago, my hubby and I took a road trip to Athens, Georgia, to attend a local film festival where Merl’s short film was screened. We traveled through Indiana and Tennessee and encountered a thunderstorm while driving through Chattanooga. We made it to Georgia…

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  • Still Small Voice

    Come Up Higher

    Ascend high to the presence of your God. Leave the plains behind and come up higher above all the destruction, delays, and decay. Take my hand and leap up the mountain of the LORD like a deer panting for living waters. Here, you’ll find the…

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  • Still Small Voice

    Stand in Wonder

    Bend your knee in reverence before me, and you will be lifted up. You will stand in wonder at all that I will do for you and what your eyes will see and ears will hear. You are a devoted child. You have sacrificed your…

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  • Devotional

    Good News Bears

    About a week ago, I was thinking about the 1976 movie The Bad News Bears starring Walter Matthau. The screenwriter wrote an offensive line coming out of the mouth of an 11-year-old. The fruit of his mouth reflected what he was taught by those close…

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