Come together in unity. Seek my face and follow me. Set aside all that distracts from our fellowship. Let’s be of one mind. I have given you the mind of Christ. Are your thoughts my thoughts? Come, know my thoughts. I will reveal them to…
I see you there in the wilderness, seemingly alone. Thirsty for living water to quench your soul. You’re waiting on me and I will come to you in the waiting. I will be by your side as you reach out to me in expectation. I…
Run to me. I am your hiding place. Come away with me from all the cares and run to my comforting embrace. I am your safe place. It’s time to be near my heart. You’ve been so far for too long. I know you’re bruised…
When we are broken in body, soul, or spirit, we can bring ourselves to God, and He will begin the healing work within us. This is a tender time, and it can be a stretched-out season, often called a wilderness. We will sense our deep…
Do not fear, for I am near. You will not be overcome with the cares of this world or the weight of oppression. I am your deliverer. My peace I give to you. I will cover you with my pinions. You will be safe in…
Do not weep for yesterday for tomorrow promises good things. Trust me to deliver the good news to your soul. Every day brings with it the opportunity to embrace the truth with riches of love and peace. Don’t look to anyone around you to satisfy…
I will redeem the time that was stolen from you. I can do in a day what the enemy stole in years. Turn to me and trust me, your maker and your God. I hold all the pieces of your life in my hands. I…
Uncovering the mysteries unveiled by creation is an exciting journey into the fringes of the fringes of God’s knowledge and creative power. Take mussels, for example. They have the remarkable ability to attach themselves to rocks and to each other. Mussels adhere to surfaces using…
I find hope in the changing seasons. They remind me that the hard we’re experiencing will one day not overwhelm us to despair, and we will heal. When we’re going through a hard season, it’s tough to focus on the fact that it is a…
I recently watched a video of ibexes scaling the vertical wall of a dam to obtain salt and other minerals that are missing from their plant-based diet for proper bone, nerve, and muscle function. Once they make it to the top, they lick the salt…
Come, take my hand and let me lead you to a place of peace, of love, of joy. You are welcome and can stay for an eternity. You are expected; a place of rest is being prepared for you near your Father’s heart. You will…
Come back to me, children of my heart. You have been driven away from my presence. Come back to your maker. I am the life you seek. I am the joy that will fill every void you fill with things that will not last. Come…