Come to Me, cry out to Me. I will deliver you from all your troubles. Look away from all that steals your joy and turn to Me, sweet child. Look to Me for all the answers your heart is searching for. I will provide all the assurance you need. Stay close to Me. Stay hidden under My wing. You will know My goodness because you have been faithful to Me. I will recompense your troubled days. You have pursued Me above all else and I have covered you from the distracting lies going forth like arrows. I have been your hiding place. You’ve come to the secret place of My presence. Never leave My side.
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. —1 Chronicles 16:34, NKJV
Drink deeply of the pleasures of this God. Experience for yourself the joyous mercies he gives to all who turn to hide themselves in him. —Psalms 34:8, TPT
Let your faith be like a shield, and you will be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one. —Ephesians 6:16, CEV
Ven a Mí, clama a Mí. Yo te libraré de todos tus problemas. Aparta la mirada de todo lo que te roba la alegría y vuélvete hacia Mí, dulce niña. Búscame para todas las respuestas que tu corazón está buscando. Te daré toda la seguridad que necesitas. Quedate cerca de mi. Mantente escondida bajo Mi ala. Conocerás Mi bondad porque Me has sido fiel. Recompensaré tus días turbulentos. Me has perseguido por encima de todo y te he cubierto de las mentiras que te distraen y que salen como flechas. He sido tu escondite. Has venido al lugar secreto de Mi presencia. Nunca te apartes de Mi lado.