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Still Small Voice

Treasures of Darkness

I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name. — Isaiah‬ ‭45‬:‭3‬ ‭NASB

Come with Me through the gardens, through the meadows, through the wilderness, and through the forests. I am with you in each season of your life. I am enough for you when you presume you are in lack, or when this world has consumed your spaces. During each season, we will walk together and find the hidden treasures in darkness. Walk with Me, talk with Me, and I will usher you in behind the veil, where all of My treasures are laid bare. They have been preserved for you, My dear one. It is all waiting for you and your child-like faith and trust to receive from My hand. Give Me your worries and I will give you hope. Give Me your pain and I will give you My balm. Give Me your ear and I will give you My secrets stored in My heart from eternity—for all those who value My voice, and seek My face. Give Me your hand, and I will guide you into all truth that leads to life with Me.

Te daré los tesoros de las tinieblas y las riquezas escondidas de los lugares secretos, para que sepas que soy yo, el Señor, el Dios de Israel, quien te llama por tu nombre. — Isaías 45:3 LBLA

Ven Conmigo a través de los jardines, a través de los prados, a través del desierto y a través de los bosques. Estoy contigo en cada estación de tu vida. Soy suficiente para ti cuando presumes que te falta, o cuando este mundo ha consumido tus espacios. Durante cada estación, caminaremos juntos y encontraremos los tesoros escondidos en la oscuridad. Camina Conmigo, habla Conmigo y Yo te conduciré detrás del velo, donde todos Mis tesoros quedan al descubierto. Han sido preservados para ti, querida Mía. Todo está esperando que tu fe y confianza infantile reciban de Mi mano. Dame tus preocupaciones y Yo te daré esperanza. Dame tu dolor y te daré Mi bálsamo. Dame tu oído y te daré Mis secretos almacenados en Mi corazón desde la eternidad, para todos aquellos que valoran Mi voz y buscan Mi rostro. Dame tu mano y Yo te guiaré a toda verdad que lleva a la vida Conmigo.



We are overwhelmingly aware of all sorts of things. Today’s technological advances have aided the delivery of despairing news from all around the world—tragedies, threats of war, and terrorism that attempt to consume us. It camps in our mind, affects our behaviors and influences our words. The darkness that surrounds us is thick. The darkness within, even thicker. It often feels like nothing can penetrate this oppression.

Yet, there is hope.

Matthew 2:1-2 says that at the time of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the east saw Jesus’ star rising in the sky. There was a star rising but it wasn’t an earthly star. It was the bright and morning star.

The Son was rising.

These wise men were following ‘His’ star in the night sky. They were used to that. God spoke to them in a way they understood. These spiritual priests or advisors were also known as magi, experts in astronomy, astrology, and natural science. But on that grand day when Jesus was born, God led them to the most glorious Light the earth has ever known. And it wasn’t the star in the sky. They were led to Jesus Himself, the hope for a world caught in the throes of darkness.

Jesus is …

The star that ushers hope into our broken and desperate souls.

The star that reveals the authority of truth amidst the tyranny of confusion.

The star that heals with His presence as torment releases its grip.

The magi witnessed for themselves that the true Light of the world had come. The sun, the moon and the stars paled in comparison to the Light that dispels spiritual darkness. By nature, Jesus’ life brings hope, healing, and the revelation of truth.

When His Light comes, darkness must flee.

Darkness is hard at work being what it is. Darkness doesn’t understand how to be light. All it knows, lives and breathes is darkness—an oppressive darkness that keeps us blind and chained. But, take heart. Even if there is devastation and destruction all around you, the Son is rising with healing in His wings.

The Son is rising in the hearts of many seekers.

If you’ve been looking to the lesser lights of this world for counsel and comfort and still feel darkness nipping at your heels, all you have to do is allow the true Light to enter your heart. His Light will shine in you and through you.

The Hebrew name for Jesus is Yeshua, which means, “the Lord is salvation.”

Reach out for Him in faith, even in the midst of darkness.

Your rescuer is near.


Leaves of Stone

I decided to get a little exercise in by raking a trillion leaves that we clearly didn’t make time for. They were still rather damp from the rains from a few days back, so the raking was more difficult with the added weight.

As I began raking the hoarded autumn leaves from our back stairs, I noticed how they covered the water drain, not allowing the rain to fall through. The rain just seeped into the leaves themselves, and slowly made its way down.

I began to rake the yard. It was too much to gather all the leaves in one area so I made three mounds and added leaves nearby to each mound.

And then it hit me. Hard. I began to think about all the layers I’ve allowed to cover my heart. Layers of burdens – shame, regret, pain, fear, anxiety. They laid on the soil of my heart and it was heavy.

As I raked the leaves and added them to the mounds, it was as if I was placing my layers at the altar before the Lord. I couldn’t see all the layers and layers, year after year, anxiety upon fear, fear upon regret, regret upon pain, and pain upon shame. As I kept raking, I kept uncovering the truth.

One mound for the Father.

One mound for the Son.

One mound for the Holy Spirit.

As I raked the leaves, I also found broken branches.

I made a heap for the sticks and mounds for the leaves. Leaves that became heavy, burdensome stones. Stones that covered my heart – making it cold and inaccessible. So now I had sticks and I had stones and a bunch of hurts I needed to name.

Oh Lord! Dig through the layers of these leaves of stones on my weary heart and heal me. Show me the hope you have for me. I know that there’s life underneath all these layers of dying – with your love, through your blood, by your power.

Death was gripping my heart, not allowing me to live – to breathe.

There it was for me to see. The layers I’d accumulated over my life that covered my heart. Clear as day.

But deep inside, under the layers, is a heart of flesh.

God will make it right.

And as I write, the wind outside is strong enough to lift the dry, lifeless, falling leaves, enabling a few of them to knock at my window looking for a home.

But I won’t let them in.

It’s time for the northerly winds to scatter them away.

But the leaves will continue to fall and I vow to catch them before they get too comfortable with me.

And so I wait, grasping at hope. Expecting to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

And I lift my hand and give them to God one by one.



I woke up this morning, looked out my window and was struck by the blanket of snow covering everything. Pure, milk-colored snow. I was expecting it but when I actually saw it, its beauty captivated my eyes. And it reminded me of God. The way He suddenly changes things in our lives. Suddenly, the waiting is over. Suddenly, the pain is over. Suddenly, hope shoots up like Spring in our hearts. Suddenly, God…

A few days ago a kindred spirit spoke to me of God’s “suddenlies” and to have an expectant heart. I’ve decided to keep my eyes peeled, and I hope you will too. Don’t give up on your dreams. Don’t lose hope for that miracle. Keep believing because what He promises He fulfills. Take a moment to read the messages God sends to you through nature; all those subtle reminders of God moving all around you. He’s nearer than you think. Can you feel His breath?

You may be smack dab in the middle of a storm, but a sudden move of God can drastically change the course of your life at just the right time. I know this to be true in mine. Years of waiting suddenly turned on a dime. It was over and orchestrated with so much love that when the fog of pain lifted, I was able to look back and see God’s fingerprints molding it all for my good.

As time goes by, I hope to see more clearly, but not with my eyes.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for. You don’t have to see it to believe it. You have to believe it to see it.

Wait for His suddenly. It’s coming!