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Still Small Voice

Stay Down


hen you’re done, I come. When you come to the end of your rope, I come. Stay low, stay down. That’s when I come. Don’t move, don’t perform. I will work a mighty work when I come charging towards you. I will come through every obstacle to get to you as you lay low. I will rescue you when you’re done, when you’re hurt, when you’re empty, and weary. When you’re down, you can come. Come to me right where you are. You come when your tears of desperation call to me. You come when you yield your will to me and let me show you the way I have for you. When you’re exhausted with all the doing, and fall down to your knees and surrender, I come. Stay low, stay down, and I will come with all that you need. Lay it all down, and I will come with all my love.

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles. —Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭17‬ ‭CSB‬‬

From the bottom of the pit, O Lord, I cried out to you, And when I begged you to listen to my cry, you heard. You answered me and told me not to be afraid. “You came to my rescue, Lord, and saved my life. —‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3‬:‭55‬-‭58‬ ‭GNT‬‬

So he set out and came to his father. But when he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. —Luke‬ ‭15‬:‭20‬ ‭NASB


uando hayas terminado, vengo. Cuando llegues al final de tu cuerda, vengo yo. Mantente agachada, mantente agachada. Ahí es cuando vengo. No te muevas, no actúes. Haré una obra poderosa cuando venga a rescatarte. Superaré todos los obstáculos para llegar a ti mientras estás escondida. Te rescataré cuando hayas terminado, cuando estés herida, cuando estés vacía y cansada. Cuando estés deprimida, puedes venir. Ven a mí justo donde estás. Vienes cuando tus lágrimas de desesperación me llaman. Vienes cuando me cedes tu voluntad y me dejas mostrarte el camino que tengo para ti. Cuando estés exhausta por todo lo que has hecho y caigas de rodillas y te rindas, yo vengo. Mantente agachada, mantente agachada y vendré con todo lo que necesites. Déjalo todo y vendré con todo mi amor.

Los justos claman, y el Señor los escucha y los libra de todas sus angustias. —Salmos 34:17 NVI

Desde el fondo del abismo, oh Señor, a ti clamé, y cuando te rogué que escucharas mi clamor, me escuchaste. Me respondiste y me dijiste que no tuviera miedo. “Tú viniste a rescatarme, Señor, y salvaste mi vida. —Lamentaciones 3:55-58 NVI

Entonces partió y vino donde su padre. Pero cuando aún estaba lejos, su padre lo vio y sintió compasión de él, y corrió, lo abrazó y lo besó. —Lucas 15:20 LBLA

Still Small Voice

Pursue My Presence


ursue my presence above everyone else’s. It’s in our intimacy that you will find favor, you will feel your best, and you will know what to do. I will teach you everything you need to know. You will receive excellent teachings from my Spirit—undiluted truth that will transform you. It will renew your mind and restore your soul. There will be a new you. You will be fashioned as a child of God. You will no longer feel like a beggar. My presence will give you confidence; not because of anything you do, but because of everything I am. Your trust will be completely in me, and your soul will be at rest, knowing that I will never fail you. Even through the dark and hard times, your confidence will soar because you will know that I am with you, and will never leave your side. You have been given an entourage of helpers that will keep you safe and steady in the path I have ordained for you. You will be ushered into your destiny by your willingness to surrender to me, my plans, and my power.

But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul. —Deuteronomy‬ ‭4‬:‭29‬ ‭ESV‬‬

You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures. —Psalms‬ ‭16‬:‭11‬ ‭CSB‬‬

For He will give His angels orders concerning you, To protect you in all your ways. —Psalms‬ ‭91‬:‭11‬ ‭NASB


ersigue mi presencia por encima de la de los demás. Es en nuestra intimidad donde encontrarás favor, te sentirás mejor y sabrás qué hacer. Te enseñaré todo lo que necesitas saber. Recibirás excelentes enseñanzas de mi Espíritu: verdad pura que te transformará. Renovará tu mente y restaurará tu alma. Habrá un nuevo tú. Serás formado como un hijo de Dios. Ya no te sentirás como un mendigo. Mi presencia te dará confianza; no por nada de lo que hagas, sino por todo lo que soy. Tu confianza estará completamente en mí, y tu alma descansará, sabiendo que nunca te fallaré. Incluso en los tiempos oscuros y difíciles, tu confianza se elevará porque sabrás que Yo estoy contigo y que nunca me apartaré de tu lado. Se te ha dado un séquito de ayudantes que te mantendrán seguro y estable en el camino que te he ordenado. Serás introducido en tu destino por tu voluntad de rendirte a mí, a mis planes y a mi poder.

Pero desde allí buscarás al Señor tu Dios y lo encontrarás, si lo buscas con todo tu corazón y con toda tu alma. —Deuteronomio 4:29 NVI

Tú me revelas el camino de la vida; en tu presencia hay abundante gozo; a tu diestra están los placeres eternos. —Salmos 16:11 NVI

Porque él dará órdenes a sus ángeles acerca de vosotros, para que os protejan en todos vuestros caminos. —Salmos 91:11 LBLA


Deep is the Mystery of Intimacy

There is an endless cacophony of noise and voices entering our minds and hearts on a daily basis influencing us. Much of that is out of our control. But what if we deliberately chose to sit and hear from God himself.

My spirit has been yearning to enter into an even deeper intimacy with Jesus. I want to hear more of what His Spirit wants to share. But I know I’ll need to do some specific things for our relationship to flourish. It’s going to take time, focus and surrender. And I know I will have to sacrifice some things but what I expect to get in return will be worth the sacrifice.

When our spirit is silent and expectant our hearts are shaken to life. Sometimes I stretch forth my physical hands and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I get on my knees and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I pace around the room and sometimes I just stand still. It’s more a posture of the heart that God notices. He’s looking for someone that’s humbled in His presence, ready to listen and receive rather than quick to speak.

This intimacy is still such a mystery to me. And I believe it’s hard for some because it requires us to let go and trust.

But I truly believe the Spirit of God wants to whisper secrets from the heart of Jesus. On New Year’s Eve I received a gentle whisper that had my heart fluttering and my imagination dancing. It gave me a sneak peek of what we can expect from a deeper relationship with Jesus.

A Midnight Whisper from the Spirit

Wedding bells are ringing, wooing the bride of Christ.

At the midnight hour her heart is being prepared.

She will meet Him at dawn to begin a divine romance.

He will sweep her off her feet into the heavenlies.

Her first dance of true love with the Father will have the angels in awe.

The Son will then take His bride and show her His mansions.

Each day they will discover a hidden treasure together.

They will open new doors together;

enter into deeper rooms of revelations.

His heart will unlock rooms holding mysteries so deep,

her breath will be taken away.

There will be a library of books filled with words of love for His bride.

They will eat fruit baskets of grace and truth.

And He will take her to the throne room of mercy – a room of never-ending love and intimacy.

These are a couple of books I recommend that aided my intimacy journey with Jesus:

Secrets of the Secret Place by Bob Sorge

Desperately Deep by Lana Vawser